
The TBA Christian Education Department was founded in the year 1965, and Mr. Helien Kipgen was the first Education Department Secretary. This is the Department that enrich its members into the realm of Christian education. It does not only impart knowledge of God’s word through Sunday School by publishing and distributing lots of material for both children and adults; but also have a keen interest on secular education.

The Department also has one High School (Baptist English High School) within the Association campus which is affiliated to Christian Education Board of CBCNEI and Board of Secondary Education Manipur (BSEM). Previously Ngulhao Theological Seminary (NTS) was taken care by the Education Department, but now it’s autonomous.

Christian Education Board also extended its project to Karbi-Anglong, Assam, and Myanmar. For the improvement of Sunday School, the Christian Education Board conducts Sunday School Training, Pastors Training and other Seminar every year. Apart from Sunday School, Education Department also conducts Bible Quiz every year for the whole Association with an attractive prize. Vacation Bible School (VBS) and Children Bible School (CBS) were also conducted.

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