Women Society

The first Women Society meeting was held in February 23-26, 1968 at Motbung Baptist Church, while TBA was known as KBA, and the first Women Secretary was Rev. Thangjalhun. However, Thangjalhun served only for a few month (1/3/68 - 10/12/68). The Women Department again held a meeting and re-established themselves again in 1970. The first official meeting of the Women Department called Thadou Baptist Association Women Society (TBAWS) was held on December 1971, at Bolsang Baptist Church under the leadership of Mrs. Lhingkhonei Simte.

TBAWS was formed in 1968 for the extension of the Kingdom of God, to be united in flesh and in spirit; re-organised in 1970, and start functioning as TBAWS from December 16, 1971.

The Women Society has been doing a lot of work for strengthening of the Churches and Missionary work. The TBAWS also engages in organizing Fasting Prayers, Bible Camps, Leadership Training, Seminars, Conferences and Crusades to strengthen the faith of the Church.


Presidents and Sacretaries of TBAWS from 1971 till date


1. Pi. Lhingkhonei Simte (1971 - 1979)

2. Pi. Ngahkhonem Lhouvum (19809 - 1984)

3. Pi. Neithem Sitlhou (1985 - 1992)

4. Pi.SL. Tingcha (1993 - 1994)

5. Pi. Phalkholam Misao (1995 - 2003)

6. Pi. Lamkhonei Lhouvum (2004 - 2007)

7. Pi. SK Themnu (2008 - 2009)

8. Pi. Nengboi Lhouvum (2010 - 2011)

9. Pi. Nenem Kipgen (2012 - 2013)

10. Pi. SK Themnu (2014 - till date)


1. Pu. Laljang Hangsing (1971 - 1979)

2. Pi. Hengounei (1980 - 1982)

3. Pi Tingneichong Kipgen (1983 - 1984)

4. Pi. Neneng Tuboi (1985 - 1986)

5. Pi. Lhingkhonei Simte (1987 - 1997)

6. Pi. Hoineichong Kipgen (1998)

7. Pi Lamneilhing Kipgen (1999 - 2003)

8. Pi. Nengneilhing Simte (2004 - 2012)

9. Rev. Lunkholal Kipgen(2012 - 2013)

10. Pi. Nengneilhing Simte (2014  till date)

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