Baptist English High School

The Baptist English High School (BEHS) presently situated in TBA Compound, Motbung, was previously called Baby School. It was established in 1967 by Mr. Thangkhochon Thomsong and situated outside TBA Compound. The School was a private property in the beginning. In 1970 Baby School extended its branch to Bolsang Village, and three teachers were appointed to teach there. The School remained as Baby School till 1980.

In 1981, the founder of the School Mr. Thangkhochon handed over the Baby School Motbung to TBA at an affordable price. Thus the School became part of TBA's property since 1981 and was relocated inside the TBA campus.

The School was fully established in 1984 and the name was changed from Baby School to Baptist English High School. Mrs. Phalkho was the first Head Mistress of Baptist English School. From 1989 the School offers up to class X and was recognised by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur.

Extension of Baptist School was open in Thenjang village in 1990. TBA also opened another Baptist School branch at Songpijang village in 1991, and in Harup village in 1992. But both the Schools were defunct within a year or two because of the ethnic clash between Kukis and Nagas.

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